Play Now Free to Play Neverwinter MMO Fantasy RPG Play Now Lots of free expansions – which include new races and classes – have been introduced in the time since Neverwinter launched, taking players far from the safety of Neverwinter itself, to lands like Icewind Dale, where barbarians and unpleasant temperatures are the least of your worries.

It helps that there is an earnest love for the source material, and each quest feels like one you could imagine yourself embarking upon while sitting around a table. It is thematically Dungeons & Dragons, taking the places, classes, spells, and abilities from the tabletop game, and then cramming them inside one of the best MMORPGs. Play Now Free to Play Guild Wars 2 MMO Fantasy RPG Play Now Should you not be ready to meet that challenge, you can play lower-level adventures without spending a dollar, as the core game is now entirely free. End game content is constantly evolving through the Living World episodic updates, the latest of which will pit heroes against the dragon Jormag and his icebrood. These get players to work together organically, and also have an impact on the region they are in, perhaps reducing the threat of roving bands of monsters, at least temporarily.

It has few regular quests: instead players gang together to fight in rolling events – mini storylines that play out in stages depending on how gamers perform. Read more: Here are some handy Guild Wars 2 console commands Its design can be seen as an attempt to fix and improve on every broken mechanic that online games persist in pursuing, and its success in these areas makes it one of the best MMORPGs you can play.

Where World of Warcraft is as traditional an MMO as they come, Guild Wars 2 is the weird, contrarian opposite.